Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Tapering training feels wonderful!

The marathon is in 5 days and the training at this point feels lovely! It's much less time consumming and my body never feels excessively strained. My long runs now are about 6 miles which is chump change compared to earlier excursions. I feel much more relaxed then the week before. Maybe it's knowing I'll be able to put my training to the test soon or the finally joint decision Julie and I have made to enjoy the race and support each other as long as possible unless someone really gets injured. I think the 3 marathoner deaths recently shook us up a bit but looking at stats made me realize how unrealistic it is i'll drop dead from a heart attack. (knock on wood. no need to jinx myself). I'm happy to starting getting back to a regular routine where I have time to see my friends instead of run for a few hours in the afternoon. My ankle and hamstring still feel a bit tugged at, so hopefully they'll pull through during the race. right now getting antsy! time for the big day to come already!

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