Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year of Running Begins!

Welcome to a new year! It's been over a year since my initial marathon at Niagara Falls and I've been M.I.A from my posts. BUT! A new year, so I figure a new focus for my upcoming Boston Marathon process. Last time, I focused on raising money for breast cancer, which with phenomenal support, I reached my goal.

This year though I want to blog about what it takes to be a healthy and successful marathon runner. I keep listening to the news reporting about the increasing interest in endurance sports which I'm sure is fueled by a number of reasons now a days. I fully understood how fast the marathoner numbers are growing when the Boston marathon registration closed just a couple months after opening and before I had a chance to enter. This year it closed just within hours! Thankfully I was determined not to get stuck having to re-qualify and was sitting at work pressing refresh for pretty much 3 hours before I got in. It was like reliving when the backstreet boys came to lil ol' halifax and I sat by the phone for hours calling in to the radio station for tickets. I was 13 I swear. Anyway, I'm in so now for the fun part! Running!

Hardcore marathoners keep warning about amateurs, such as myself, jumping in full swing and nearly killing themselves in the process. No need I've been told, so I want to be do a bit of research on what's out there to help us newbies get going in a way that won't make our hearts explode. First steps I've been told to cut out my energy drinks. I'm not saying it'll be easy, those things are my life source, but in the following months I'll be getting info together which hopefully will help myself and some people out there who want a good way to get into running the fun, effective, and healthy way!

Countdown begins now... 107 until the Boston Marathon ladies and gentlemen!

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